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Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine - Ikshop

Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine - Ikshop

Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine - Ikshop

Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine - Ikshop

Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine - Ikshop
Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine - Ikshop
Uued tooted
Dino memo Puuviljad ja juurviljad
Dino memo Puuviljad ja juurviljad
Lauamängus tuleb pööra kaarte ja proovida leida niipalju paare ku..

Veinikülmik Scandomestic SV45B
Veinikülmik Scandomestic SV45B
Hoidke oma veini aastaringselt ühtlasel temperatuuril, et vältida..


Elektroonikakomplektid ja prototüüpimine

Näita korraga:
Micro:bot komplekt
Kasutades micro:bot komplekti saavad lapsed ehitada ja programmeerida erinevaid sõidukeid. Sõidukeid saab liikuma panna micro:bit kiipi kasutades, mis tuleb selle komplekti puhul eraldi juurde osta. Komplektiga õpivad lapsed elektroonikaga ja riistva..
Kasutades micro:bot komplekti saavad lapsed ehitada ja programmee..
KM-ta: 29.78€
Helendavate olendite plastiliinikomplekt
Selle komplektiga saavad lapsed meisterdada elektrit juhtivast plastiliinist draakoneid, pingviine jt olendeid ja panna need LED tulede abil helendama. Tegevuse käigus õpivad lapsed tundma elektrinähtusi ja mõistavad vooluringi. Komplekti kasutamist..
Selle komplektiga saavad lapsed meisterdada elektrit juhtivast pl..
KM-ta: 40.97€
Neuron Wireless saatja ja vastuvõtja
These two blocks let you establish a stand-alone connection between two chains of blocks so that they can communicate wirelessly. Maximum range: 10m. ..
These two blocks let you establish a stand-alone connection betwe..
KM-ta: 61.59€
Neuron Veepumba komplekt
The Water Pump can move water to let you create inventions powered by potential energy. ..
The Water Pump can move water to let you create inventions powere..
KM-ta: 18.47€
Neuron USB kaabel 100 cm
The USB Cable (100cm) can provide power to an invention and transmit data to and from it. ..
The USB Cable (100cm) can provide power to an invention and trans..
KM-ta: 3.07€
Neuron Servopakk
Use it along with the Servo Driver. The servo can rotate from 0 to 180 degrees and is controllable via Makeblock Neuron app or mblock. ..
Use it along with the Servo Driver. The servo can rotate from 0 t..
KM-ta: 12.31€
Neuron elektroluminestsents juhtmed (sinine,lilla..
Contains four colors of EL Wire: blue, pink, purple and white. Requires the EL Wire Driver block. ..
Contains four colors of EL Wire: blue, pink, purple and white. Re..
KM-ta: 14.77€
Neuron elektroluminestsents juhtmed (punane,rohel..
Contains four colors of EL Wire: blue, pink, purple and white. Requires the EL Wire Driver block. ..
Contains four colors of EL Wire: blue, pink, purple and white. Re..
KM-ta: 14.77€
Me RGB joonejärgija V1
RGB Grayscale Sensor is specially designed for line detect competition. It contains 4 RGB fill flashes and 4 photodiodes. This sensor can be used to detect line on deep background with light color track and light background deep color track as well. ..
RGB Grayscale Sensor is specially designed for line detect compet..
KM-ta: 20.83€
Neuron Plaat 6 tk
Contains 6 Neuron Boards and 36 friction pin connectors. ..
Contains 6 Neuron Boards and 36 friction pin connectors. ..
KM-ta: 12.31€
Neuron Magnetjuhe 20 cm
The Magnet Wire (20cm) provides a more flexible way of connecting blocks. ..
The Magnet Wire (20cm) provides a more flexible way of connecting..
KM-ta: 8.61€
Neuron Magnetjuhe 10 cm
The Magnet Wire (10cm) provides a more flexible way of connecting blocks. ..
The Magnet Wire (10cm) provides a more flexible way of connecting..
KM-ta: 7.38€
Neuron Kinnitused 16tk ja kummipaelad 80 tk
Contains 4 packs of sticky Fixed Clips (4 per pack) and 4 packs of Rubber Bands (20 pieces per pack). ..
Contains 4 packs of sticky Fixed Clips (4 per pack) and 4 packs o..
KM-ta: 2.45€
Neuron DC mootori komplekt
For use with the DC (Direct Current) Motor Driver. Rotational speed and direction is controllable via the Makeblock Neuron app and mblock, allowing you to build moving vehicles, mechanical arms, catapults, etc. ..
For use with the DC (Direct Current) Motor Driver. Rotational spe..
KM-ta: 12.31€
Makeblock Halocode on võimas miniarvuti, millel on WIFI/Bluetooth, 12 programmeeritavat RGB LED lampi, mikrofon, 4 puuteandurit (sisend-väljundviik), liikumisandur, programmeeritav nupp ja ühenduspesa erinevate elektrooniliste moodulite lisamiseks. T..
Makeblock Halocode on võimas miniarvuti, millel on WIFI/Bluetooth..
KM-ta: 38.61€
Codey Rocky robot 6 tk
The pack is an ideal solution to large-class lectures on robot programming. One kit contains six sets of Codey Rocky, allowing up to 12 students to learn coding at the same time. Powerful features of Codey Rocky allow students to learn scratch,Pytho..
The pack is an ideal solution to large-class lectures on robot pr..
1 156.50€
KM-ta: 947.95€
Neuron loomelabori komplekt
Makeblock Neuron loomelabori komplekt on programmeeritav elektroonilistest moodulitest koosnev STEAM hariduskomplekt. Komplektis on üle 30 erineva funktsionaalsusega elektroonilise ehitusbloki, millest saab leiutada ägedaid nutividinaid. Visuaalsel b..
Makeblock Neuron loomelabori komplekt on programmeeritav elektroo..
1 052.01€
KM-ta: 862.30€
Neuron leiutajakomplekt
Makeblock Neuron on programmeeritav elektroonilistest moodulitest koosnev STEM hariduskomplekt, mis on heaks alguseks ja väljakutseks uutele leiutajatele. Komplektis on üle 8 erineva funktsionaalsusega elektroonilise ehitusbloki, millest saab leiutad..
Makeblock Neuron on programmeeritav elektroonilistest moodulitest..
KM-ta: 147.81€
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Ikshop @ 2024